Transport Network LogCoop Announces Second Forum and Innovations Day
12th March 2019

After its successful first staging last September, warehouse and transport network LogCoop has announced another Forum for members and visitors. The company will combine its Innovations Day with a fair for LogCoop partners and its members’ traditional get-together.
The event will take place on 26-27 of March at Duisburg-Nord’s Landschaftspark. Its focus will be on the progress of digitalization and automation as well as their consequences, especially for SMEs in the logistics branch. Several speakers will talk about practical relevant topics, while LogCoop-members will have plenty of chances to meet up and exchange views. The plenary session and the partners’ get-together are scheduled for Day One (March 26).
The focus of Innovations Day 2019 will be on topics within the scope of warehousing, contract logistics, transport, administration as well as Artificial Intelligence for the Supply Chain. Host Prof. Dr. Stefan Iskan, professor for logistics and business information systems at University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen on the Rhine, will guide members and visitors through a value adding programme of exciting lectures by experts from solutions providers that offer immediate approaches for practical implementations. Possible applications as well as the particular requirements and their profitability can be discussed in a subsequent symposium.
In order to register please click here
A detailed agenda can be found on
Attendance fee will be €295 plus VAT for every first participant, any further visitor from the same company will pay €195 plus VAT. For members of LogCoop the event will be free of charge.